America: July 2010

© 2006-2010  Gay Military Signal

Summer 2010 Photo Essay
Military Pride Past and Present

LT Dan Choi received the 2010 AVERNY
Leonard Matlovich Freedom Award
for Speaking Out At Risk

Gay WWII Veteran Dick Dehn and his partner of 53 years Gary Payne in the NYC Queens Pride Parade, June 2010.  Coast Guardsman Dehn served aboard the USS INGHAM, 1944-46, and participated in the invasions of Corregidor and Cibu.

Hallowed Ground

Arlington National Cemetery, Washington DC,  June 11, 2010
AVER President Danny Ingram with WWII Veterans
Frank Kameny, John McNiell and
Jack Strouss


WWII Veteran Dr. Franklin Kameny in 1944 and 2010

WWII Veteran Elmer Lokkins in 1943 and 2007

James Darby, aboard the USS MIDWAY, 1952,
and in Washington DC in Oct, 2009

Monica Helms in 1970 and recently

James P. Donovan HMC USN Ret. in 1960 and 2007

Rear Admiral Alan M. Steinman, (Ret.) in 1978 and present

Brigndier General Keith H. Kerr, CSMR (Ret.), 1950s, and 1990

SP5 Claude D. Ashby Jr in 1965 and in 2010


WWII Veteran William G. Horne in 1944 and 2003

WWII Vet, Major Willit Fields

Korean Era Vet LT Harvey Milk

Vietnam Veteran Leonard Matlovich

Operation Iraqi Freedom
Major Alan Rogers

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