published in The Huffington Post, June 6, 2008
"Times change," Sam Nunn said
Boy, do they ever! The former Senator offered
this less than startling observation by way of
explaining that maybe the ban on openly gay
military service members that he was
instrumental in passing in 1993 when he was
chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee,
that maybe the policy deserved "another
look." He did not go so far as to say that
the policy was flat-out wrong and Congress
should repeal the law, but hey, it's progress of
a sort.
"See how it's working," he said,
"ask the hard questions, hear from the
military. Start with a Pentagon study."
A Pentagon study! We need another Pentagon
study? How many studies have there been? The
Navy commissioned what is known as the
Crittenden Report in 1957. Thirty years later
the Defense Security Research and Education
Center (PERSEREC) confirmed the Crittenden
findings and found no data to support the ban on
gays in the military. The Pentagon didn't want
to hear that and ten years later they sent
PERSEREC back for another look. The second
report went even farther than the first, finding
that "gay service members fared better than
their heterosexual counterparts in most areas of
adjustment, including school behavior and
cognitive ability." Because the first
report caused much hand-wringing in the
corridors of the E-Ring, the second report was
never submitted.
The Pentagon asked the independent Rand
Corporation to take a look at the issue in 1993,
between the two PERSEREC reports and after
President Clinton signed a memorandum directing
the military to end discrimination based on
sexual orientation. Rand produced an exhaustive
analysis from outside. Their researchers
visited seven countries and the police and fire
departments of six American cities. They
reviewed the scientific literature. They focused
on what happened after President Truman signed
the executive order ending racial segregation in
the military. (Essentially nothing.) They
sampled public opinion. They interviewed
active-duty military personnel -- and on and on.
God knows what all this cost the taxpayer.
You'll never guess what Rand concluded:
"sexual orientation [is] not germane to
determining who may serve in the military."
I was in the Army for three years --
sometimes, as Senator Nunn used to say, "in
tight quarters" - and I could have told
them that. It would have cost them nothing.
Nonetheless, and despite the mounting pile of
favorable reports, the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs Colin Powell and Senator Nunn decided
they needed their own report. Thus another
Pentagon "study." That fore-ordained
report took the position that allowing
homosexuals -- openly gay men and women -- into
the military was just too nervous-making. For
them if no one else. They ignored the
independent Rand report. They ignored all the
other independent reports, finding it easier
just to fall back on their old, familiar,
comfortable prejudices. And so, with the backing
of Senator Nunn and General Powell, most of
Congress, and yes, President Clinton, we got the
patently discriminatory law making every
homosexual American a second class citizen of
his country. They pronounced the law a
compromise and called it "Don't Ask, Don't
Tell." The passage of DADT was not a moment
that will be viewed with pride in the history of
this land.
So no, Senator Nunn, no more of those
Pentagon "studies." But we agree on
this, Senator: "times change."
Sixty years after President Truman signed the
executive order ending racial segregation in the
military, an African-American is the Democratic
Party's nominee for president. Our next
president and commander in chief may well be
black. Considering where we were sixty years
ago, that is nothing short of astonishing. (And
let's not forget that his chief rival in the
contest was a woman. Ninety years ago she
wouldn't have been allowed to vote.)
One of the conclusions the Rand study came to
was this: ""Implementation is most
successful where the message is unambiguous,
consistently delivered, and uniformly enforced.
Leadership is critical in this regard."
We do not need another Pentagon
"study." We need men and women at the
top to lead us to what is clearly right. We need
a president who will lead, and we need members
of the Senate and the House to stop cowering in
their closets (coat closets only, people,
nothing sexual intended) and explain to their
constituents why DADT must go. If recent polls
are any indication, most of their constituents
are ahead of them on the issue anyway.
After signing his executive order integrating
the armed forces, and after letting everyone
have their say, Truman called the none too
enthusiastic Joint Chiefs together. Gentlemen,
the president said, now it's about leadership.
And it's still about leadership. Senior
military leaders must speak up. The military
stays out of politics, that is true, and rightly
so. Every member of our armed forces swears to
carry out the policies of the president and the
congress, and therefore -- at least in theory --
the will of the people. But as the chairman of
the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Michael Mullen, wrote
in a remarkable open letter published in the
forthcoming issue of Joint Forces Quarterly,
"We defend all Americans, everywhere,
regardless of their age, race, gender, creed,
and, yes, political affiliation." And
although he did not mention it, sexual
The military defends all of us, regardless of
whether we favor the opposite sex, the same sex,
or no sex. And the converse is equally true:
lesbians, gays, and bisexuals are among those
fighting our wars. They are defending us. They
just can't tell anybody.
2008 The Huffington Post