Interview with
James McDonough (Ret.)
Director of the NY State Division of Veterans Affairs
Denny Meyer
Col. (Ret.) James McDonough was appointed as the
Director of the New York State Division of Veterans’
Affairs, the day after Veterans' Day last November.
In an initial brief phone conversation, he was
effusive in stating his personal view that the time
was right for gay patriotic volunteers to be
integrated into our American armed forces. In the
subsequent scheduled interview several weeks later,
the response to nearly all questions was carefully
nuanced to be "all inclusive." From a
military standpoint, that is the way it should be; we
very much look forward to the day when it is truly
inclusive of all Americans.
Colonel McDonough, married with three children,
spent twenty six years serving in the United States
From Officer's Candidate School, he was
commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in 1982. He began
his career as an Air Defense Artillery Officer,
commanding PATRIOT weapons systems in Germany and
subsequently serving as both Executive Officer and
Operations officer for a PATRIOT battalion stationed
on the Korean Peninsula. He served as a Battalion
Commander at Ft. Bliss, Texas, and participated in
Operation Southern Watch in the mid-1990s. During
OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, he served as the Senior
Operations Officer for all PATRIOT forces deployed
throughout the middle east.
In graduate school, he trained as a Communications
Strategist which led to his becoming a speech writer
at the Pentagon for the Secretary of The Army during
the Clinton Administration. In that capacity on the
Secretary’s personal staff, he was directly involved
in developing expanding military roles for women as
our armed forces followed through on Presidential
directives. At that time, Jim McDonough was rightly
considered as one of those capable of thoroughly and
forthrightly "getting the job done." He was
quite clear and confident in his belief that, when a
new policy is set, his counterparts will similarly
straightforwardly integrate openly gay personnel into
our military forces.
When asked how our military might go about
integrating gay personnel, he related the process that
took place when he helped to facilitate the
implementation of expanded roles for women while he
was at the Pentagon.
At the time, "the Army was less agile in its
ability to change." There was reluctance, at the
unit level, to accept what was then a handful of women
in specialized areas that had been considered male
roles in the culture of the Army. He and his
counterparts, who were committed to creating greater
opportunities for women, had to promulgate policies
allowing access for women in wider areas. And that
then led to more women joining the armed forces for
the expanded opportunities available to them. Thus,
the process was to overcome inertia and then build
upon the evoked momentum.
At about the same time, in the mid 90s, the Dept.
of Defense adopted the mandated principals of Don't
Ask Don't Tell and had to develop procedures and rules
to implement the policy. Once again, "there was a
job to do and get done." As with expanding the
roles of women, "there had to be a recognition
that change was occurring and that military leaders
were responsible for adapting to those changes to
carry out policy."
Col. McDonough feels that his experience prepares
him to embrace human rights efforts which ensure
equality for all (this was as we spoke just after the
Martin Luther King Day holiday). In working to
implement expanded opportunities for women, as well as
in having to implement the DADT policy, he found that
it was his role to ensure that all personnel were
treated with respect. Thus, when one of his NCOs
out-processed under the Army’s new homosexuality
policy, Col. McDonough felt it was his responsibility
to "do the right thing" and ensure that his
Sergeant "had his rights represented and that he
was treated with dignity and respect." That, he
felt, was the only proper way to carry out the policy
that it was his duty to follow.
Are we now ready to integrate gay volunteers?
"It's all about having respect for
everyone," he said.
"If we were able to put through a policy
integrating women, we can put through a policy for gay
He believes that gay military personnel can be
integrated just as well, because there is a
responsibility that the leadership has to follow
orders in accordance with their oath of office.
"That is not an oath of personal opinion; it's to
do the job, be accountable, and to recognize one's
responsibility for the privilege of serving alongside
Americans regardless of sexuality, religion, race, or
any other difference," He said. For those who
can't or wont, "there's plenty of others who can
replace them." Asked if we are ready for such a
change, he said, "Yes, because it is a non-issue
now for those currently serving. It is all about
service, and equality is a part of that," he
insisted. "In the past, we were ready to adapt to
desegregation (in 1948) and later to expand roles for women. Our
armed forces are actually leaders in this," he
In short, Col. McDonough spent the most significant
part of his military career taking care of Soldiers
and their Families, all-the-while facilitating change
and transition.
He faithfully carried out his responsibility
without question. But, it was his own humanity that
propelled him to try to ensure that policies protected
the dignity of each service member and the respect
that they deserved as equals in the American
James McDonough regards his current civilian
position as he did military assignments; i.e. to be
carried out to the best of his ability. Specifically,
he said that it is his goal to represent Veterans’
interests, and to ensure equal treatment of all
Veterans. He intends to advocate the best care
possible for all Veterans, regardless of age or
service era. His goals include expanding educational
benefits and ensuring that veterans become aware of
these benefits; implementing a 'Gold Star Annuity' for
parents who have lost children in service to their
country; expanding employment opportunities,
particularly for disabled Vets, via partnership
programs; and assisting returning Veterans in all
areas of resettlement.
Asked about older Vets, he immediately emphasized
that, "We cannot afford to overlook anyone. The
needs of returning Veterans are urgent; but we cannot
repeat the error of overlooking those who have
returned before. I will not pick and choose between
generations; I have to put forth the effort to care
for all generations of Veterans. We cannot leave
anyone behind." To that end, he is working to
have Veterans’ counselors across the state to
improve and expand outreach to include all gay,
senior, and other Veterans who are potentially
isolated and unaware of their benefits eligibility.
Asked what he might do for gay Veterans, in his new
role directing Veterans Affairs in New York State, he
was emphatic about inclusiveness. "A Vet is a
Vet, all are equal; there is only one kind of Vet and
that is one who has earned certain rights and
privileges for having honorably served our
country" There are no other criteria for
deserving benefits, as far as he is concerned,
regardless of what may be in the minds of others who
do not understand the sacrifice of those who have
2008 Gay Military Signal