Rude Blue Yonder
by Heather Sarver
US Air Force Veteran
I joined the Air Force as
a Russian Linguist. I was stationed in Monterey,
California and had a terrific experience in
California. I was in the closet and only came out
to others who came out to me first. I really
didn't feel any fear of being found out because I
mistakenly thought the "Don't' Ask, Don't
Tell" policy was there to protect me. I loved
learning Russian and doing my job. Translating and
disseminating intelligence information was a high
pressure job, but I thrived. Because of my good
job performance I was made supervisor of my
section when I was stationed in San Antonio,
TX. This is where all the trouble began. I heard
horrible anti-gay, racist, and sexist jokes all
the time. Because I knew this was against the
rules I wrote up all of my subordinates who were
involved. I spoke to them about why these rules
were in place. Things went well for a few weeks
and then the jokes started up again. The guys had
even more fun joking now because they knew when I
wrote them up nothing would be done. I continued
to follow the rules and submit my paperwork to no
avail. I tried to find out why nothing was being
done about my write ups. I spoke to everyone up my
chain of command and everyone seemed to give me
the run-around. Finally I spoke to a Chief who
said, "No one is allowed to be gay in the
military, so I don't know why you are writing
anyone up."
My next strategy to
deal with the then hostile work environment was to
appeal to my co-workers humanity. I said, "My
brother is gay, and that is why those jokes are so
offensive for me." (Which is true - my
brother is also gay). That decision turned out to
be a huge mistake. Every joke then involved my
brother in some way, and they knew that I was
highly offended so the jokes were non-stop. I felt
that I was losing control as a supervisor because
I didn't have the Air Force behind me. The rules
were just paper and had no value without
enforcement. I finally had enough and went to the
highest person I could think of - my commander. I
showed her all my paperwork. She looked it over
and said "This is not any worse than anything
female pilots have to go through." I realized
I had no recourse after that. I decided to just
suck it up and deal with it the best I could.
One morning sitting
in my car before I was about to go into work, I
felt a sharp pain in my chest. I thought I was
having a heart attack. I was taken to the
hospital and they told me I had experiences
an anxiety attack. They wouldn't prescribe
medicine, just counseling. I couldn't tell the counselor
everything I was going through because there is
no doctor/patient confidentiality in the military. Work
never got better. The jokes just escalated
until our work productivity suffered. The
anxiety attacks kept happening in more frequency.
I felt trapped.
Finally, out of
self-preservation, I went to the commander and I
told her I was gay. I wrote letter explaining that
I was coming out because of the hostile work
environment, no one answering my write ups,
refusing to let me transfer offices or bases, and
because of the outright failure of leadership. She
looked through my file and told me she wanted to
give me 48 hours to think it over and change my
mind because she didn't want to lose me. I said
"I have definitely thought it over, and I
will not change my mind." She said ok, then
went on to explain what a long process the
discharge would be and that because I was in
military intelligence it would take longer. She
said the earliest I would be discharged was 3
months but it would probably take longer. She said
she would begin my discharge, but things could
move slow. The first sergeant spoke with me later
and said I wasn't allowed to tell anyone why I was
being discharged.
The next day I was
transferred to a new office. I became a language
tutor. It was really great. I loved it there. The
people were so good to work with, and I had told
them why I was being discharged and no one had any
problems with it. This was the way it should have
been all along. Being able to be out at work and
having a level of professionalism in the office. A
few weeks later I learned the Inspector General
was coming to our base the following week. I
decided I would try and meet with him and explain
what had happened. I didn't want anyone else to
have to go through what I went through. I told a
coworker that I was going to try to meet with the
I.G. and I explained why it was important I speak
with him. The very next day I was called into the
commander's office and given my discharge
paperwork. She said I had until Sunday to
outprocess. I was a civilian.